The name of the particle `Boson` is associated with the name of

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Q: 95 (CAPF/2011)
The name of the particle 'Boson' is associated with the name of








{'boson': [0, 0, 0, 1], 'particle': [0, 2, 8, 30], 'isaac newton': [0, 0, 1, 3], 'albert einstein': [1, 0, 4, 7]}

The correct answer is option 2, S.N. Bose. The name "Boson" is associated with the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, also known as S.N. Bose. He was a pioneer in the field of quantum mechanics and statistical physics.

In the early 20th century, Bose collaborated with Albert Einstein to develop a theory known as Bose-Einstein statistics. This theory describes the statistical behavior of particles that have integer spin, such as photons and certain types of elementary particles.

Bose`s work provided a foundation for understanding the behavior of particles at very low temperatures, where they can form a unique state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate. This state was later experimentally observed in 1995, confirming Bose`s theoretical predictions.

Although Albert Einstein collaborated with Bose on the statistical mechanics of these particles, the term "Boson" specifically honors S.N. Bose`s contribution to this field of research. It is worth noting that the terms "Bose" and "Boson" are often used interchangeably when referring to particles that obey Bose-Einstein statistics.

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