Statement I Despite the northerly latitude, the climate of U.K. is generally mild. Statement II Warm air from North Atlantic Drift and Western Africa combines with cold wet air from the Arctic and Iceland.

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Q: 75 (CAPF/2010)
Statement I Despite the northerly latitude, the climate of U.K. is generally mild. Statement II Warm air from North Atlantic Drift and Western Africa combines with cold wet air from the Arctic and Iceland.








{'climate': [2, 0, 2, 2], 'northerly latitude': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'arctic': [3, 0, 1, 2], 'cold wet air': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'north atlantic drift': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'warm air': [0, 0, 1, 0]}

Option 1 states that both statements are individually true and that statement II is the correct explanation of statement I. Let`s examine each statement to determine if this option is correct.

Statement I: "Despite the northerly latitude, the climate of the U.K. is generally mild."

This statement is generally true. Despite its northerly latitude, the U.K. benefits from a relatively mild climate due to various factors such as the Gulf Stream and the prevailing westerly winds. These factors bring warm air and moisture to the region, resulting in milder temperatures compared to other locations at similar latitudes.

Statement II: "Warm air from the North Atlantic Drift and Western Africa combines with cold wet air from the Arctic and Iceland."

This statement is also true. The North Atlantic Drift, which is an extension of the Gulf Stream, transports warm water from the Caribbean to the U.K. This warm air interacts with the cold wet air from the Arctic and Iceland, creating a dynamic weather pattern that influences the climate in the U.K.

Based on this analysis, option 1 is correct. Both statements are individually true, and statement II provides a valid explanation for statement I.

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