From the following Venn diagram identify the number of persons who are either good speakers or post graduates or doctors.

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Q: 98 (CAPF/2009)
From the following Venn diagram identify the number of persons who are either good speakers or post graduates or doctors.








{'venn diagram': [0, 1, 1, 1], 'good speakers': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'post graduates': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'doctors': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'number': [0, 0, 0, 2], 'persons': [4, 4, 9, 10]}

In the given Venn diagram, there are three circles representing three groups of people: good speakers, post graduates, and doctors. The correct answer is option 2, which states that there are 7 people who are either good speakers or post graduates or doctors.

To understand this, let`s analyze each option:

Option 1: States that there are 6 people who fall into these categories. However, this is incorrect as it doesn`t consider the possibility of individuals belonging to multiple categories.

Option 2: States that there are 7 people who are either good speakers or post graduates or doctors. This is the correct answer because it acknowledges that individuals can belong to multiple categories, and it counts all the unique individuals in these categories.

Option 3: States that there are 15 people who fall into these categories. This is incorrect because it overestimates the number and includes individuals multiple times by counting them separately for each category they belong to.

Option 4: States that there are 22 people who are either good speakers or post graduates or doctors. This is incorrect because it is an overestimation and repeats the counting by considering all the possible combinations.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option 2, which correctly counts the unique individuals who fall into any of

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