How many different triangles are there in the figure shown?

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 150 (IAS/2008)
How many different triangles are there in the figure shown?








{'many different triangles': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'figure': [0, 1, 1, 0]}

The question asks us to determine how many different triangles can be found in a given figure. Without seeing the figure, it`s hard to dissect the reasoning behind each option. However, as the correct answer is given as 28 (option 1), we can presume that the figure provided had enough lines and intersections to form 28 different triangles.

Option 2 (24 triangles), Option 3 (20 triangles), and Option 4 (16 triangles) are all lower than the correct answer. This could be due to missing out on some smaller/larger triangles or incorrectly ignoring overlapping triangles.

Thus, to find the correct number of triangles in a figure, one needs to examine the figure carefully, considering different sized triangles as well as those that may overlap.

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