As per Indias National Population Policy, 2000, by which one of the following years is it our long-term objective to achieve population stabilization?

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Q: 12 (IAS/2008)
As per India’s National Population Policy, 2000, by which one of the following years is it our long-term objective to achieve population stabilization?








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As per India`s National Population Policy of 2000, the long-term objective was to achieve population stabilization by the year 2045. This means that the policy aimed to stabilize the population growth rate and maintain a sustainable population size by reducing birth rates and promoting family planning measures.

India`s population has been a matter of concern due to its rapid growth over the years. The country is the second most populous in the world, and its population has been increasing at a significant rate. Recognizing the need to address this issue, the Indian government formulated the National Population Policy to tackle the challenges posed by a large and growing population.

The policy focused on several key strategies to achieve population stabilization. These strategies included promoting voluntary and informed choice in family planning, ensuring access to quality reproductive health services, improving the status of women, and advocating for the delay in the age of marriage and first childbirth.

By aiming for population stabilization by 2045, the policy acknowledged the need for sustained efforts and long-term planning. It recognized that achieving a stable population would require consistent implementation of measures over a significant period. The policy aimed to gradually reduce the birth rate through effective family planning programs and education, leading to a balance between the birth rate and the death rate.

It is important to note that the National Population Policy of 2000 was a guideline, and its implementation and success depended on various factors, including government initiatives, healthcare infrastructure, awareness programs, and societal attitudes towards family planning.

While the policy set a target of achieving population stabilization by 2045, it is crucial to assess the progress made since its formulation and whether subsequent policies and initiatives have been able to effectively address the population growth challenges. It is advisable to refer to the latest available data and government publications to obtain accurate information on India`s population stabilization efforts beyond my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021.

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