The `Kyoto Protocol` is an international treaty that commits State parties to reduction in

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Q: (CDS-I/2019)
The 'Kyoto Protocol' is an international treaty that commits State parties to reduction in


Current Affairs






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The `Kyoto Protocol` is an international treaty that aims to address the issue of greenhouse gases emission. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, are major contributors to climate change and global warming. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997 and entered into force in 2005.

Option 1: Poverty reduction is not the focus of the Kyoto Protocol. While poverty and climate change are interconnected issues, the Kyoto Protocol specifically targets greenhouse gases emission.

Option 2: This is the correct answer. The Kyoto Protocol commits state parties to reduce their greenhouse gases emission. It sets binding targets for these reductions and establishes mechanisms to monitor, verify, and report on the progress made by each country.

Option 3: The Kyoto Protocol does not address nuclear armaments. It solely focuses on climate change mitigation through reducing greenhouse gases emission.

Option 4: The Kyoto Protocol does not deal with agricultural subsidy. It primarily focuses on addressing the issue of climate change by targeting greenhouse gases emission.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option 2, as the Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gases emission.

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