The main reason for unrest and violence in Zimbabwe in recent years is due to

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Q: 39 (IAS/2002)
The main reason for unrest and violence in Zimbabwe in recent years is due to


Current Affairs






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The main reason for unrest and violence in Zimbabwe in recent years is primarily attributed to the prolonged crisis over land reforms.

Zimbabwe has faced significant challenges related to land ownership and distribution since its independence in 1980. The land reform policies implemented in the country aimed to address historical inequalities in land ownership, particularly the concentration of land in the hands of a small white minority during the colonial era.

However, the land reform process has been characterized by controversy, inefficiencies, and conflicts. The redistribution of land from white farmers to black Zimbabweans often occurred in a manner that was perceived as unfair and lacking transparency. This led to social and economic unrest, including violence, as tensions escalated between different groups with vested interests in land.

While there have been other contributing factors, such as economic challenges, droughts, and political struggles, the primary driver of unrest and violence in recent years in Zimbabwe has been the prolonged crisis over land reforms.

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