Match correctly the infectious agents given in List I with the diseases caused by them given in List II : List-I a. Bacterium b. Fungus c. Protozoan d. Virus List-n 1. Kala-azar 2. Tuberculosis 3. Influenza 4. Ringworm

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Q: 185 (SSC/NA)
Match correctly the infectious agents given in List I with the diseases caused by them given in List II : List-I a. Bacterium b. Fungus c. Protozoan d. Virus List-n
1. Kala-azar
2. Tuberculosis
3. Influenza
4. Ringworm








{'infectious agents': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'ringworm': [3, 0, 0, 0], 'influenza': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'diseases': [9, 0, 10, 7], 'tuberculosis': [1, 0, 0, 0]}

The correct matching of infectious agents with the diseases they cause is given in option 2. Let`s dissect each option to understand why option 2 is correct.

Option 1: This option incorrectly matches the bacterium with tuberculosis and the protozoan with kala-azar. Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium, not a fungus, and kala-azar is caused by a protozoan, not a bacterium.

Option 2: This option correctly matches the bacterium with tuberculosis and the fungus with ringworm. Tuberculosis is indeed caused by a bacterium, and ringworm is caused by a fungus. The other two matches are incorrect.

Option 3: This option incorrectly matches the bacterium with influenza and the virus with kala-azar. Influenza is caused by a virus, not a bacterium, and kala-azar is caused by a protozoan, not a virus.

Option 4: This option incorrectly matches the bacterium with ringworm and the virus with kala-azar. Ringworm is caused by a fungus, not a bacterium, and kala-azar is caused by a protozoan, not a virus.

Therefore, option 2 is the correct answer. The correct matching is: a

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