In medieval India, the designations `Mahattara` and `Pattaklla` were used for

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 21 (IAS/2014)
In medieval India, the designations 'Mahattara' and 'Pattaklla' were used for








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The correct answer is "village headmen".

In medieval India, the Mahattara and Pattaklla were two designations used for village headmen. The Mahattara was the superior headman of the village, while the Pattaklla was the subordinate headman. The Mahattara was responsible for the administration and collection of revenue in the village, while the Pattaklla assisted him in his duties. They were appointed by the ruling authority and were responsible for maintaining law and order, settling disputes, and ensuring the collection of taxes. They were also responsible for the welfare of the villagers and the upkeep of the village infrastructure.

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