What is the approximate percentage of person above 65 years of age in Indias current population?

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Q: 86 (IAS/2008)
What is the approximate percentage of person above 65 years of age in India’s current population?








{'current population': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'approximate percentage': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'india': [8, 1, 7, 13], 'age': [2, 1, 1, 2]}

The question is asking for an approximation of the percentage of India`s population that is over 65 years of age.

Option 1, suggesting 14-15%, implies a fairly high proportion of the population is in this age range. Considering India`s relatively young average age, this figure seems too high.

Option 2, suggesting 11-12%, is also estimated to be too high for the same reason.

Option 3, suggesting 8-9%, is closer to the correct answer but still overestimates the percentage of people over 65.

Option 4, suggesting 5-6%, is the correct answer as it most accurately represents the proportion of India`s population over 65. According to various surveys, it falls between this range, which reflects India`s majority younger population.

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