Which one of the following political theories advocates the withering away of the state and ushering in a new society in which there will be no state and no classes ?

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Q: 120 (CDS-II/2006)
Which one of the following political theories advocates the withering away of the state and ushering in a new society in which there will be no state and no classes ?








{'political theories': [0, 0, 2, 0], 'democratic socialism': [2, 0, 0, 0], 'marxism': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'fabian socialism': [1, 0, 3, 0], 'liberalism': [2, 0, 2, 1], 'new society': [1, 0, 1, 0], 'classes': [1, 1, 3, 4]}

The correct answer is option 3, Marxism. Marxism is a political theory that advocates for the withering away of the state and the establishment of a new society with no state and no classes. According to Marxism, the state is seen as an instrument of class oppression and the source of social inequality. The ultimate goal of Marxism is to achieve a classless society where the means of production are owned and controlled by the working class.

Option 1, Liberalism, does not advocate for the withering away of the state and instead emphasizes individual liberty, limited government intervention, and the protection of private property rights.

Option 2, Democratic Socialism, promotes a mixed economy where there is a balance between state intervention and democratic control of the means of production. It does not necessarily advocate for the complete elimination of the state.

Option 4, Fabian Socialism, focuses on achieving socialist goals through gradual reform rather than revolutionary means. While it does seek to reform or change the state, it does not explicitly advocate for the withering away of the state.

Alert - correct answer should be Anarchism. Anarchism is a political theory that advocates for the elimination of all forms of hierarchical authority, including the state. It calls for the establishment of a society based on voluntary cooperation

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