Which one of the following statements is not correct about Totalitarianism ?

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Q: 100 (CDS-II/2021)

Which one of the following statements is not correct about ‘Totalitarianism’ ?







Option 1 states that totalitarianism is not akin to autocracy and authoritarianism. This means that totalitarianism is not similar or comparable to these forms of government. However, this statement is incorrect. Totalitarianism is actually similar to autocracy and authoritarianism in that it concentrates power in the hands of a single ruler or a small group of people, and limits the political freedoms and rights of individuals.

Option 2 states that totalitarianism usurps political freedom of individuals but it doesn`t usurp personal freedoms. While this statement is generally correct, it is important to note that in some cases, totalitarian regimes also restrict personal freedoms, such as freedom of speech, expression, and association. Therefore, it is not entirely accurate to say that totalitarianism never usurps personal freedoms.

Option 3 states that totalitarianism implies the abolition of civil society. This statement is correct. Totalitarian regimes typically aim to eliminate or control civil society, which includes non-governmental organizations, trade unions, and other social groups that are independent of the state. This allows the regime to maintain tight control over society and prevent dissent or opposition.

Option 4 states that totalitarianism is usually identified with a one-party state. This statement is correct. Totalitarian regimes often establish a one-party system, where

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