A rubber ball dropped from 24 m height loses its kinetic energy by 25%. What is the height to which it rebounds?

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Q: 8 (NDA-I/2008)
A rubber ball dropped from 24 m height loses its kinetic energy by 25%. What is the height to which it rebounds?








{'kinetic energy': [0, 0, 4, 7], 'rubber ball': [0, 0, 2, 0], 'height': [0, 0, 1, 2]}

Option 1 (6 m): This option suggests that the rubber ball rebounds to a height of 6 m. However, this option is incorrect because if the ball rebounded to a height of 6 m, it would have lost all its kinetic energy, which is contrary to the information provided in the question.

Option 2 (12 m): This option suggests that the rubber ball rebounds to a height of 12 m. However, this option is incorrect because the ball would still have some kinetic energy remaining if it rebounded to this height.

Option 3 (18 m): This option suggests that the rubber ball rebounds to a height of 18 m. This option is the correct answer. According to the information given in the question, the ball loses 25% of its kinetic energy when it hits the ground. Therefore, when it rebounds, it would regain 75% of its original kinetic energy, allowing it to reach a height of 18 m.

Option 4 (24 m): This option suggests that the rubber ball rebounds to its original height of 24 m. However, this option is incorrect because the ball loses some of its kinetic energy when it hits the ground, resulting in a lower rebound height.

In conclusion, option 3 (18 m

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