What is H5N1 in the news in recent times ?

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Q: 78 (CAPF/2008)
What is H5N1 in the news in recent times ?


Current Affairs






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The correct answer to the question is option 2: H5N1 is a virus that causes Bird Flu. In recent times, it has been in the news because it poses a threat to both birds and humans. The H5N1 virus is primarily found in birds, particularly poultry, and can cause severe illness or death in infected birds.

Although rare, H5N1 can also be transmitted from birds to humans, potentially leading to severe respiratory illness and even death. This transmission typically occurs through close contact with infected birds or their droppings.

The World Health Organization and other international health organizations closely monitor the spread and impact of the H5N1 virus, as there is concern about its potential to cause a global pandemic. Efforts to contain outbreaks of Bird Flu involve strategies such as culling infected birds, implementing biosecurity measures, and developing vaccines to protect both humans and animals.

Therefore, option 2 is the correct answer as H5N1 is a virus that has been of recent concern due to its potential impact on humans and birds.

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