Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists

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Q: 94 (IAS/1997)
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists
List I (Author)List II (Text)
I. Varahamihira(A) Prabandha Chintamani
II. Visakhadatta(B) Mrchchhakatikam
III. Sudraka(C) Brhat-Samhita
IV. Bilhana(D) Devi Chandraguptam
 (E) Vikramankadevacharita








{'iv': [6, 110, 77, 8]}

The question is about matching authors with their respective texts. The correct answer option is number 2,

Option 1 suggests that Sudraka wrote `Vikramankadevacharita` and Bilhana wrote `Mrchchhakatikam` - this is incorrect as Sudraka is known for `Mrchchhakatikam` and Bilhana is known for `Vikramankadevacharita`.

Option 2 is accurate. It matches each author correctly with their works: Varahamihira with `Brhat-Samhita`, Visakhadatta with `Devi Chandraguptam`, Sudraka with `Mrchchhakatikam`, and Bilhana with `Vikramankadevacharita`.

Option 3 suggests Sudraka wrote `Devi Chandraguptam` and Visakhadatta wrote `Brhat-Samhita`, which is inaccurate.

Option 4 is also incorrect as it suggests Varahamihira wrote `Prabandha Chintamani` and Visakhadatta wrote `Brhat-Samhita`.

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