Adam`s Bridge, also known as Rama`s Bridge or Rama Setu, is a chain of limestone shoals that connects the south-eastern coast of India (Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu) to the north-western coast of Sri Lanka (Talaimannar, Mannar Island). It is believed to be a natural formation but also has religious significance in Hindu mythology.
Option 1 (Israel and Jerusalem) is incorrect because Adam`s Bridge does not connect Israel and Jerusalem. It is located in the Indian Ocean, far from Israel and Jerusalem.
Option 2 (Amman and Damascus) is incorrect because Adam`s Bridge does not connect Amman and Damascus. These cities are located in Jordan and Syria, respectively, and are not near the Indian Ocean.
Option 3 (Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman) is incorrect because Adam`s Bridge is not located in the Persian Gulf or the Gulf of Oman. It is situated in the Indian Ocean between India and Sri Lanka.
The correct answer is option 4 (Dhanushkodi (Ramesvaram) and Talaimannar). Adam`s Bridge connects these two points, bridging the gap between India and Sri Lanka.