Assertion (A) >: An award made by a Lok Adalat is deemed to be a decree of a Civil Court. Reason (R) >: Award of Lok Adalat is final and binding on all parties, and no appeal lies against thereto before any

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Q: 25 (CDS-I/2008)

Assertion (A): An award made by a Lok Adalat is deemed to be a decree of a Civil Court.
Reason (R): Award of Lok Adalat is final and binding on all parties, and no appeal lies against thereto before any








{'lok adalat': [1, 0, 2, 0], 'civil court': [1, 0, 3, 1], 'appeal': [2, 0, 3, 1], 'award': [0, 0, 6, 9], 'decree': [2, 0, 2, 0]}

Option 1 states that both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and that R is the correct explanation of A.

Assertion (A) states that an award made by a Lok Adalat is deemed to be a decree of a Civil Court. This means that the decision made by a Lok Adalat, which is a people’s court aimed at providing speedier and more accessible justice, is legally considered as a decree by a regular civil court. This gives it the same legal weight and enforceability as a decree passed by a civil court.

Reason (R) states that the award of Lok Adalat is final and binding on all parties, and no appeal lies against it before any court. This means that the decision made by a Lok Adalat is considered final and cannot be challenged or appealed before any court. This further reinforces the idea presented in Assertion (A), as a decision that is final and binding on all parties is treated as a decree by a civil court.

Therefore, Option 1 correctly explains that both A and R are true, and R provides the correct explanation for A.

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