The Congress adopted the Quit India Resolution in the year

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The Congress adopted the ‘Quit India Resolution’ in the year








{'quit india resolution': [2, 0, 0, 1], 'congress': [0, 1, 0, 0]}

The correct answer is option 4, 1942. The Congress adopted the `Quit India Resolution` in 1942. This resolution was a call for the British to leave India and was a major milestone in India`s struggle for independence. The resolution was passed on August 8, 1942, at the All India Congress Committee meeting in Bombay (now Mumbai). The Congress believed that the British had failed to fulfill their promise of granting India independence after World War II and decided to launch a mass civil disobedience movement demanding immediate independence. The `Quit India Movement` was a non-violent protest that was met with a harsh response from the British government, leading to the arrest of many Congress leaders and widespread repression.

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