Consider the following description of the Samadhi of a former Prime Minister of India: Central Samadhi platform comprises nine sare black polished granite solid stone blocks, capped with a Diya in the centre. The number nine holds significance and represe

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Q: 86 (NDA-I/2019)
Consider the following description of the Samadhi of a former Prime Minister of India: Central Samadhi platform comprises nine sare black polished granite solid stone blocks, capped with a ‘Diya’ in the centre. The number nine holds significance and represents the navarasas, navaratras and navagrahas. Then placement of the nine-sare Samadhi is in a circular lotus shaped pattern. The nine-sare platform is accessed in four cardinal directions by pathways made in white composite tiles so that the floor does not get heated. Identify the Samadhi:


General Knowledge





The description provided in the question matches with the Samadhi called "Sadaiv Atal". The Samadhi is located in India and is dedicated to a former Prime Minister. The Central Samadhi platform is made up of nine black polished granite solid stone blocks, with a `Diya` (lamp) placed in the center. The number nine holds significance, representing the navarasas (nine emotions), navaratras (nine nights of worship), and navagrahas (nine celestial bodies).

The placement of the nine-sare Samadhi is in a circular lotus-shaped pattern. The platform can be accessed in four cardinal directions through pathways made with white composite tiles to prevent the floor from heating up.

Option 1, "Shakti Sthal", is not the correct answer as it does not match the description provided. Option 2, "Shantivan", is also not the correct answer as it does not mention the specific features described in the question. Option 4, "Veer Bhumi", does not match the provided description either.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3, "Sadaiv Atal".

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