Epiphytes are plants which depend on other plants for

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Q: 127 (IAS/2001)
Epiphytes are plants which depend on other plants for








{'epiphytes': [0, 0, 1, 1], 'plants': [11, 0, 4, 4], 'other plants': [0, 0, 1, 0]}

Epiphytes are plants that depend on other plants for mechanical support, not food, shade, or water.

Epiphytes are unique plants that grow on the surface of other plants, such as trees, but they do not obtain their nutrients from the host plant. Instead, epiphytes have specialized adaptations, such as aerial roots or modified leaves, that allow them to attach to the host plant and extract moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, or debris that accumulates around them. They are often found in forest ecosystems where they take advantage of the elevated position provided by the host plant to access sunlight.

While some epiphytes may benefit from the shade provided by the host plant`s canopy, they are not dependent on it for survival. Similarly, although they may receive some water from rain that is intercepted by the host plant, they primarily obtain moisture from the atmosphere rather than relying on the host plant for water. Furthermore, epiphytes are not reliant on the host plant for food, as they can photosynthesize and produce their own energy using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and nutrients obtained from their environment.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

Mechanical support. Epiphytes depend on other plants for mechanical support, using them as a substrate to grow and thrive, but they are not dependent on the host plant for food, shade, or water.

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