The Gandhara style of sculpture, during the Kushan period is a combination of

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The Gandhara style of sculpture, during the Kushan period is a combination of








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The Gandhara style of sculpture, during the Kushan period, is a combination of Indo-Greek style. This style emerged in the region of Gandhara (present-day Pakistan and Afghanistan) during the 1st and 3rd centuries AD. It was influenced by the interactions between the Greek, Persian, and Indian cultures.

The Indo-Greek style in Gandhara sculpture is characterized by a blend of Hellenistic elements from Greece and India`s indigenous traditions. It is notable for its realistic and naturalistic portrayal of figures, with Greek features such as wavy hair, muscular bodies, and drapery. However, it also incorporates Indian artistic conventions, including the use of elongated bodies and a sense of spirituality in the facial expressions.

Overall, the Gandhara style of sculpture exhibits a unique fusion of Greek and Indian artistic traditions, reflecting the cultural exchanges that occurred during the Kushan period.

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