The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee, whose permission is required for cultivation of any genetically modified crop such as Bt-Cotton in India, is under the Union Minister of

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Q: 19 (IAS/2003)
The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee, whose permission is required for cultivation of any genetically modified crop such as Bt-Cotton in India, is under the Union Minister of








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The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), whose permission is required for the cultivation of genetically modified crops such as Bt-Cotton in India, is under the Union Minister of Environment and Forests.

The GEAC is the apex regulatory body in India for granting approvals for the environmental release of genetically engineered organisms (GMOs), including genetically modified crops. It evaluates the safety aspects of GMOs and assesses their potential environmental impacts before granting approval for their commercial cultivation.

As the GEAC is primarily concerned with environmental and biosafety issues related to GMOs, it falls under the purview of the Union Minister of Environment and Forests. The Minister is responsible for overseeing the functioning and decision-making of the GEAC in matters related to genetically modified crops and their cultivation in India.

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