In this question, we are required to convert the height of a person (which is given in feet) to nanometers.
1 foot is approximately equal to 304.8 million nanometers. To find the height in nanometers for a person who is six feet tall, we would simply multiply 6 by 304.8 million.
- Option 1 and 2 do not multiply correctly due to the use of 106 (which is a million). They are considerably smaller than the correct calculated value.
- Option 3 is approximately correct as 183 x 107 equals to 1830 million which is close to the result of 6 x 304.8 million. This small difference might be due to the rounding off.
- Option 4 overestimates the height of the person by a large margin since 234 x 107 equals to 2340 million, which is considerably more than the correct answer.
Therefore, option 3 is the closest approximation to the correct answer. It`s a matter of conversion and multiplication.