Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists

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Q: 3 (CDS-I/2010)
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists
A. Wine1. Barley
B. Beer2. Sugarcane juice
C. Whisky3. Grapes
D. Rum4. Molasses


General Knowledge







In this question, we are asked to match the types of alcohol in List-I with their respective base ingredients in List-II.

Option 1 states that wine is made from barley, beer is made from sugarcane juice, whisky is made from grapes, and rum is made from molasses. However, this is incorrect as wine is typically made from grapes, not barley, and beer is not made from sugarcane juice.

Option 2 states that wine is made from grapes, beer is made from molasses, whisky is made from barley, and rum is made from sugarcane juice. However, this is also incorrect as beer is typically made from barley or other grains, not molasses.

Option 3 states that wine is made from grapes, beer is made from barley, whisky is made from molasses, and rum is made from sugarcane juice. This aligns with the known production processes and is the correct answer.

Option 4 states that wine is made from barley, beer is made from molasses, whisky is made from grapes, and rum is made from sugarcane juice. This is incorrect as beer is not made from molasses and whisky is not made from grapes.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3

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