Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists

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Q: 74 (CDS-I/2013)
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists
(A) Arsenic1. Fluorosis
(B) Fluoride2. Melanosis
(C) Dust3. Presbycusis
(D) Noise4. Silicosis


General Knowledge







In this question, we are given two lists - List-I and List-II. We need to match the agents with the corresponding diseases and select the correct answer using the given codes.

List-I contains the agents - Arsenic, Fluoride, Dust, and Noise. List-II contains the corresponding diseases - Fluorosis, Melanosis, Presbycusis, and Silicosis.

Looking at the options:

Option 1: A-3;B-1;C-1;D-4

This option suggests that Arsenic is matched with Presbycusis, Fluoride is matched with Fluorosis, Dust is matched with Fluorosis, and Noise is matched with Silicosis.

Option 2: A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2

This option suggests that Arsenic is matched with Presbycusis, Fluoride is matched with Silicosis, Dust is matched with Fluorosis, and Noise is matched with Melanosis.

Option 3: A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

This option suggests that Arsenic is matched with Melanosis, Fluoride is matched with Fluorosis, Dust is matched