Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists

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Q: 3 (CDS-II/2007)
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists
(Disease)            (Part of Human Body Affected)
A. Conjunctivitis       1. Eyes
B. Dermatitis             2. Joints
C. Gout                    3. Skin
D. Meniningitis         4. Cord









The question is asking us to match a list of diseases (List-I) with the parts of the human body affected by those diseases (List-II).


A. Conjunctivitis

B. Dermatitis

C. Gout

D. Meningitis


1. Eyes

2. Joints

3. Skin

4. Cord

In option 2, the matching is as follows:

A. Conjunctivitis - Eyes

B. Dermatitis - Skin

C. Gout - Joints

D. Meningitis - Cord

Therefore, option 2 is the correct answer.

So, according to the provided answer, Conjunctivitis is a disease that affects the eyes, Dermatitis affects the skin, Gout affects the joints, and Meningitis affects the cord.

It is important to note that Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. Dermatitis is a condition where the skin becomes inflamed, red, and itchy. Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by severe pain, redness, and tenderness in the joints. Meningitis is

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