The Ministry of Communication has recently launched a Pan India scholarship programme for schoolchildren called Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana. The objective of the scheme is to increase the reach of

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Q: 66 (CDS-I/2018)
The Ministry of Communication has recently launched a Pan India scholarship programme for schoolchildren called ‘Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana’. The objective of the scheme is to increase the reach of


Current Affairs






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The correct answer is option 2: philately. The Ministry of Communication has launched a scholarship program called ‘Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana’ for schoolchildren in India. The objective of this scheme is to increase the reach and popularity of philately among school students.

Philately is the study and collection of postage stamps and other related materials. This program aims to encourage schoolchildren to develop an interest in philately by providing them with financial assistance in the form of scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded to students who have a passion for stamp collection and demonstrate good knowledge in this field.

By promoting philately, the Ministry of Communication hopes to not only enhance the hobby of stamp collection but also raise awareness about Indian postal history and culture. This program will encourage students to explore the rich heritage and diversity of India through stamps and related collectibles.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Communication`s `Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana` scholarship program aims to increase the reach and popularity of philately among schoolchildren in India.

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