Q: 5 (UPPSC/2012)Money Bill is introduced inLok Sabha Rajya SabhaJoint sitting of both the HousesNone of the above3202732240139061135211990-20002001-20102011-2022lok sabha rajya sabha money bill joint sitting housesKeyword HeatmapAnyChart Trial Versionquestion_subject: Polityquestion_exam: UPPSCstats: 0,211,6,211,4,1,1keywords: {'lok sabha': [42, 3, 20, 27], 'rajya sabha': [50, 3, 22, 40], 'money bill': [7, 1, 3, 9], 'joint sitting': [5, 0, 6, 11], 'houses': [13, 3, 5, 21]} Please login to bookmark this question