Recently, India`s first green hydrogen-based advanced fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) was launched. It has no tailpipe emissions other than

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Q: 53 (CDS-II/2022)
Recently, India's first green hydrogen-based advanced fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) was launched. It has no tailpipe emissions other than







The correct answer is option 4 - Water.

This means that India`s first green hydrogen-based advanced fuel cell electric vehicle produces water as its only tailpipe emission.

A fuel cell electric vehicle operates using hydrogen gas as its fuel source. In a fuel cell, hydrogen gas is combined with oxygen from the air, which results in a chemical reaction that produces electricity, heat, and water. The electricity generated from this reaction powers the vehicle`s electric motor, allowing it to move.

Unlike conventional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines that emit harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter, fuel cell electric vehicles do not produce any harmful emissions. The only byproduct of the reaction inside the fuel cell is water vapor, which is released as a tailpipe emission.

This makes fuel cell electric vehicles a cleaner and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional vehicles powered by fossil fuels. By using hydrogen as a fuel source, these vehicles contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable transportation options.

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