The rules for congregational worship (Sangat) involving collective recitation were organized by

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Q: 82 (CDS-II/2021)
The rules for congregational worship (Sangat) involving collective recitation were organized by







The correct answer is option 1, Guru Nanak. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, played a crucial role in organizing the rules for congregational worship, also known as Sangat. The concept of Sangat is an essential aspect of Sikhism, emphasizing the importance of community and collective worship.

Guru Nanak initiated the practice of Sangat, which involves gathering together in a place of worship, such as a Gurdwara, to recite hymns and prayers from the Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib. He emphasized the significance of coming together as a community, regardless of caste, creed, or gender, to seek spiritual wisdom and live a righteous life.

Through the practice of Sangat, Guru Nanak aimed to foster unity among Sikhs and promote equality and brotherhood. He believed that collective worship and spiritual learning in a communal setting fostered a sense of harmony and encouraged individuals to lead a life of virtue and righteousness.

Therefore, Guru Nanak is credited with organizing the rules and guidelines for congregational worship or Sangat in Sikhism.

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