The train`s average speed with stops is 40 km per hour, while the average speed without states is 60 km per hour. Together, they indicate that in one hour-based comparison, the train travels 20 km less because of stoppages. Now, if the train runs 60 km in an hour without stopping, the 20 km decrease due to the stoppages would equate to 1/3 of the distance it could travel without stopping in that period, or 20 minutes of that hour. This implies the train takes 20 minute stoppages per hour.
Option 1 was correct, stating the train stops for 20 minutes per hour. The other options are incorrect, suggesting shorter stoppage durations which don`t match the difference in average speed, for instance, option 2 suggests 18 minutes, option 3 suggests 15 minutes, and option 4 suggests 10 minutes. These aren`t accurate representations of the data presented.