Which among the following Articles came into force on 26th November 1949, the day the Indian Constitution was adopted ?

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Q: (SSC/0)
Which among the following Articles came into force on 26th November 1949, the day the Indian Constitution was adopted ?








{'indian constitution': [102, 1, 17, 18], 'articles': [1, 0, 0, 1], '26th november': [3, 0, 0, 4], 'article': [54, 1, 15, 30]}

The correct answer is option 1, Article 388. Article 388 of the Indian Constitution came into force on 26th November 1949, the day the Constitution was adopted. Article 388 deals with the allowance of the existing Indian States to continue using their respective flags, emblems, and other symbols until the formation of new states or their merger with existing states. It states that until Parliament determines otherwise, the existing states can continue to use their symbols. This article ensures the preservation of the cultural and regional identity of the states within the country. Therefore, out of the given options, Article 388 is the correct answer.

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