Article 24 of the Indian Constitution explicitly prohibits the employment of children under 14 years in factories, mines, or any other hazardous employment. This is an attempt to provide a safe and healthy upbringing to children, free from harmful adult labor practices that could jeopardize their physical or mental well-being.
Option 2, Article 45, deals with the provision for free and compulsory education for children. This does not have any direct link to child labor.
Option 3, Article 330, is about the reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the House of People. It has no connection with child labor.
Finally, option 4, Article 368, provides the power to the Parliament of India to amend the constitution and its procedures but does not have any reference to the child labor prohibition.
Thus, upon comparing all the articles, it is evident that Article 24 is the only one that directly addresses the prohibition of child labor.