In which of the following years was the All- India Trade Union Congress formed in Bombay

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Q: 78 (CDS-I/2009)
In which of the following years was the All- India Trade Union Congress formed in Bombay








{'bombay': [0, 0, 1, 0]}

The correct answer is option 3: 1920.

In this question, we are asked to identify the year in which the All-India Trade Union Congress was formed in Bombay. To find the correct answer, we need to analyze each option provided:

Option 1: 1918. This option suggests that the All-India Trade Union Congress was formed in 1918. However, this is not the correct answer.

Option 2: 1919. This option suggests that the All-India Trade Union Congress was formed in 1919. However, this is not the correct answer.

Option 3: 1920. This option suggests that the All-India Trade Union Congress was formed in 1920. This is the correct answer based on the information provided.

Option 4: 1921. This option suggests that the All-India Trade Union Congress was formed in 1921. However, this is not the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: 1920. The All-India Trade Union Congress was formed in Bombay in the year 1920.

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