Which one of the following is NOT a cause of depletion in groundwater?

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Q: 87 (NDA-II/2020)

Which one of the following is NOT a cause of depletion in groundwater?







The correct answer is option 1 - Afforestation. Afforestation refers to the process of planting trees and creating forests. Contrary to the other options provided, afforestation does not contribute to the depletion of groundwater. In fact, afforestation can have a positive impact on groundwater levels.

Option 2 - Loss of forests, on the other hand, can contribute to groundwater depletion. Forests play a crucial role in maintaining the water cycle and regulating groundwater levels through processes like rainfall interception and water absorption by tree roots. The loss of forests leads to reduced infiltration of rainwater, resulting in less recharge of groundwater.

Option 3 - Excessive pumping of groundwater is a well-known cause of groundwater depletion. When we extract water from underground aquifers at a faster rate than it can naturally recharge, the groundwater levels drop, leading to depletion.

Option 4 - Construction of large-scale concrete buildings can also contribute to groundwater depletion. The construction of concrete buildings often involves the destruction of pervious surfaces, such as grasslands or soil, which prevents rainwater from infiltrating into the ground and recharging groundwater.

In summary, while options 2, 3, and 4 can contribute to groundwater depletion, option 1 - Afforestation does not. Afforestation, in fact, can

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