Wildlife Protection Act was implemented in India in

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Wildlife Protection Act was implemented in India in








{'wildlife protection act': [1, 0, 0, 2], 'india': [8, 1, 7, 13]}

The correct answer is option 1 - 1972. The Wildlife Protection Act was implemented in India in 1972. This act was enacted to provide protection and conservation of wildlife in the country. It aims to prevent the exploitation of wildlife species and their habitats and to ensure their preservation for future generations. The act prohibits hunting, poaching, and trading of endangered species and their products. It also establishes protected areas, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries to safeguard the natural habitats of wildlife. Additionally, the act includes provisions for the regulation of zoos and captive breeding programs. The Wildlife Protection Act is an essential legislation in India`s efforts to conserve and protect its diverse wildlife.

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