Consider the following statements about votive inscriptions in the second century BC : 1. They record gifts made to religious institutions 2. They tell us about the idea of transference of the meritorious results of the action of one person to another per

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 105 (CDS-I/2016)
Consider the following statements about votive inscriptions in the second century BC :
1. They record gifts made to religious institutions
2. They tell us about the idea of transference of the meritorious results of the action of one person to another person
Which of the statements given above is / are correct ?








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The correct answer is option 3, which states that both statements 1 and 2 are correct.

Statement 1 says that votive inscriptions in the second century BC record gifts made to religious institutions. This means that these inscriptions provide information about offerings or donations made by individuals or groups to religious organizations during that time period. Votive inscriptions were often made to express gratitude or seek blessings from deities.

Statement 2 states that votive inscriptions can tell us about the idea of transference of the meritorious results of the action of one person to another person. The concept of transference refers to the belief that the positive effects or merits of a person`s actions can be transferred to someone else, either in the present or in the afterlife. Votive inscriptions might mention this belief in relation to the individuals who made the donations, suggesting that they hoped for the transfer of these merits to themselves or their loved ones.

Therefore, both statements are correct as votive inscriptions in the second century BC do record gifts made to religious institutions and provide information about the idea of transference of merits.

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