The correct answer is Option 3: Dadabhai Naoroji.
Dadabhai Naoroji, an Indian political and social leader, is known for his significant contribution to the Indian nationalist movement and his criticism of British colonial rule in India. He used the phrase "Un-British" to highlight the negative aspects of English colonial control in India.
Naoroji was one of the earliest Indian leaders to articulate the economic exploitation and drain of wealth from India under British rule. He analyzed the economic impact of colonialism in his book "Poverty and Un-British Rule in India," which was published in 1901. In this book, he put forward the concept of the "Drain Theory," which argued that British colonial policies were siphoning off the wealth of India and impeding its economic development.
Naoroji used the term "Un-British" to describe the policies and practices of the British government that were detrimental to India`s interests. He argued that the British colonial rule in India was inconsistent with the principles and values that Britain claimed to represent, such as justice, fairness, and equal opportunities. Naoroji believed that the British administration in India was exploiting the country and its people, thereby contradicting the notion of British benevolence and civilization.
By labeling the colonial control as "Un-British," Naoroji aimed to expose the hypocrisy of British rule and challenge the prevalent belief that the British were bringing progress and civilization to India. He sought to awaken both the Indian population and the British public to the injustices and exploitation taking place under colonialism.
Naoroji`s critique of British rule and his emphasis on economic issues laid the foundation for the Indian Nationalist movement and influenced subsequent leaders who fought for independence from British colonial rule.
In conclusion, it was Dadabhai Naoroji who used the phrase "Un-British" to criticize the English colonial control of India. His analysis of economic exploitation and drain of wealth, as well as his efforts to expose the contradictions between British principles and colonial practices, played a crucial role in shaping the discourse on Indian nationalism and independence.