Which one among the following statements with regard to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) is NOT correct? (a) The ‘Global Stocktake’ is the central outcome of COP28 (b) It recognized the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C (c) It dire

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Q: 5 (CAPF/2024)
Which one among the following
statements with regard to the United
Nations Climate Change Conference
(COP28) is NOT correct?
(a) The ‘Global Stocktake’ is the
central outcome of COP28
(b) It recognized the need to limit
global warming to 1.5°C
(c) It directed the developing
countries to lead the transition
away from fossil fuel
(d) It emphasized accelerated phase-
down of coal-power





COP28 did not specifically direct developing countries to lead the transition away from fossil fuels. The conference emphasized a global transition, recognizing the different capacities and starting points of countries, but did not single out developing countries for leadership in this transition.