Which one among the following statements with regard to India's maritime initiative, SAGAR, is correct? (a) It is a platform for conducting joint naval exercises under QUAD (b) It aimed at promoting maritime cooperation with countries of the Indian Ocean

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 20 (CAPF/2024)
Which one among the following statements with regard to India's maritime initiative, SAGAR, is correct?
(a) It is a platform for conducting joint naval exercises under QUAD
(b) It aimed at promoting maritime cooperation with countries of the Indian Ocean Region
(c) It is an alliance of India, USA and Japan to provide safety to merchant ships passing through the Indian Ocean Region
(d) It is the name given to India’s participation in the Contact Group on Piracy set up by the UN Security Council





SAGAR stands for Security and Growth for All in the Region. It is an initiative launched by the Indian government to enhance maritime cooperation and collaboration with countries in the Indian Ocean Region, with a focus on security and growth.