The Arthasastra is a treatise on which one of the following ?

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Q: 61 (CDS-II/2008)
The ‘Arthasastra’ is a treatise on which one of the following ?








{'arthasastra': [1, 0, 1, 0], 'political philosophy': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'treatise': [0, 0, 1, 1], 'economics': [0, 0, 0, 1], 'administration': [6, 1, 11, 15], 'environment': [2, 0, 0, 3], 'religion': [1, 0, 0, 0]}

The correct answer is option 3: Political Philosophy. The `Arthashastra` is a treatise written by the ancient Indian scholar Kautilya, also known as Chanakya. It is one of the oldest and most comprehensive texts on political science and governance. The text covers a wide range of subjects related to statecraft, including politics, administration, diplomacy, economics, military strategy, and law.

Option 1: Economics - While the `Arthashastra` does discuss economic principles and policies, it is not solely focused on economics. It provides a holistic view of governance and covers various aspects of statecraft.

Option 2: Environment - The `Arthashastra` does not specifically discuss the environment or environmental issues. Its main focus is on the organization and functioning of the state.

Option 4: Religion in Administration - Although religion and religious practices are briefly mentioned in the `Arthashastra`, the text primarily focuses on political philosophy and the practical aspects of governance. It provides guidelines for rulers, administrators, and leaders on how to effectively govern a kingdom or state.

In summary, the `Arthashastra` is a treatise on political philosophy, encompassing a wide range of topics related to governance and statecraft.

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