Consider the following statements: 1. The Commonwealth has no charter, treaty or constitution 2. All the territories/countries once under the British empire (jurisdiction/rule/mandate) automatically joined the Commonwealth as its members. Which of the sta

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 70 (IAS/2010)
Consider the following statements:
1. The Commonwealth has no charter, treaty or constitution
2. All the territories/countries once under the British empire (jurisdiction/rule/mandate) automatically joined the Commonwealth as its members.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct?


General Knowledge






{'commonwealth': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'charter': [0, 0, 2, 1], 'british empire': [0, 0, 3, 0], 'territories': [3, 2, 7, 9], 'constitution': [39, 3, 11, 39], 'treaty': [0, 0, 1, 1], 'jurisdiction': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'mandate': [0, 0, 1, 5], 'members': [37, 11, 44, 71], 'countries': [1, 0, 2, 6]}

The answer is option 4, indicating that neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is correct.

Statement 1 is incorrect because the Commonwealth does have a charter, known as the Commonwealth Charter, which was signed by Queen Elizabeth II on March 11th, 2013. The charter outlines 16 core values and principles, including democracy, human rights, peace, and sustainable development.

Statement 2 is incorrect because not all countries or territories once under British rule joined the Commonwealth. Membership is voluntary, and several countries that were former British colonies have chosen not to join. Furthermore, the Commonwealth also includes some countries that were not British colonies. Thus, being under British influence at some point is not an automatic criterion for Commonwealth membership.