During the year 2000-01, which one of the following industries recorded highest growth rate in India?

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Q: 36 (IAS/2003)
During the year 2000-01, which one of the following industries recorded highest growth rate in India?








{'highest growth rate': [0, 1, 1, 0], 'industries': [6, 0, 2, 2], 'india': [8, 1, 7, 13], 'coal': [0, 1, 2, 0], 'electricity': [0, 0, 1, 3], 'cement': [0, 0, 1, 4], 'year': [27, 4, 33, 49]}

The question is looking at the highest growth rate in various industries in India during the year 2000-01.

Option 1, cement, and option 2, coal, both refer to essential industries in India. However, neither exhibited a growth rate that topped other industries during this period. These industries might have grown, but not to the extent that they achieved the highest growth rate.

Option 3, electricity, represents another critical sector, serving as the backbone of industrialization. Although this industry saw substantial growth, it did not surpass all other sectors during the mentioned period.

Option 4 is steel, the correct answer. In 2000-01, the steel industry in India saw dramatic growth, outperforming the other sectors listed in the options. Therefore, it is the industry that records the highest growth rate for that year in India. Changes in economic policies, global demand and advanced production methods could cause such a surge.

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