What is Nalariya Divyaprabandham? (a) Compositions by the Alvars com- piled in the form of an anthology (b) Hymns composed by Nayanars (c) Eulogies composed for Chola kings (d) An exposition of the hymns of Rig Veda in Malayalam

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 99 (CAPF/2024)
What is Nalariya Divyaprabandham?
(a) Compositions by the Alvars com-
piled in the form of an anthology
(b) Hymns composed by Nayanars
(c) Eulogies composed for Chola
(d) An exposition of the hymns of
Rig Veda in Malayalam





Nalariya Divyaprabandham is a collection of devotional hymns composed by the Alvars. These works are central to the Bhakti movement in South India.