If "O" and "U", irrespective of upper or lower case, occur exactly 5040 times, then how many times does the letter "E" occur in the book in the upper or the lower case?

examrobotsa's picture
Q: 66 (CAPF/2023)
If "O" and "U", irrespective of upper or lower
case, occur exactly 5040 times, then how many
times does the letter "E" occur in the book in
the upper or the lower case?


General Knowledge



Given the percentage occurrences of O and U are 18 and 13, respectively, their combined percentage is 31. Using the formula (percent of E)/(percent of O+U) * 5040 to find the number of E based on its 45% occurrence: (45/31) * 5040 results in approximately 11,430 times.