The major chemical compound found in human kidney stones is

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Q: 124 (IAS/1998)
The major chemical compound found in human kidney stones is








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The major chemical compound found in human kidney stones is calcium oxalate.

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard deposits that form in the kidneys. They can vary in size and composition, but the most common type of kidney stone is made up of calcium oxalate.

Calcium oxalate stones form when there is an excessive amount of calcium and oxalate in the urine. Oxalate is a naturally occurring substance found in many foods, and calcium is normally excreted by the kidneys. However, when there is an imbalance or certain conditions that increase the concentration of oxalate or calcium in the urine, crystals can form and eventually grow into kidney stones.

Other types of kidney stones include uric acid stones, which form when there is an elevated level of uric acid in the urine, and struvite stones, which are associated with urinary tract infections. Less common types of kidney stones include calcium phosphate stones and cystine stones.

It is important to note that the composition of kidney stones can vary among individuals, and in some cases, stones may be composed of a combination of different substances. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones.

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